Losing The Weight /

When we first moved to North Carolina in 2021, there were two things I noticed immediately. It was a state in which too many men and women were overweight, and it was a state in which some of the nicest people could also be the worst drivers. However, I couldn’t do anything about the latter.

With the former, I really wanted to help in any way I could, and to help women get back to what I affectionately call their “fighting weight” - the weight when they had to “fight the men off.” It is something that I have wanted to do for a long time. You see, I understand how a woman feels when she is overweight. I used to be there. And the older one gets, the harder it can be to lose those extra pounds.

What happens to a woman’s psyche when she is overweight? 1) She is obsessively focused on how she looks. 2) She spends an inordinate of energy bemoaning how she looks. I know the feeling. I was stuck there. I only stopped being stuck there over a decade ago. My body is not perfect. But it is nowhere near what it was 12 - 15 years ago.

You see, losing the weight does not have to be about getting those “shots,” starving, or giving up everything you like. It is not about “discipline.” What is it about? It is about 1) remembering what is required to change habits; 2) knowing what to pray for; 3) being consistent in one’s choices; 4) learning how to read labels. If I could do it, maybe you could do it too.

What happened when I began to lose weight? Two very important things. 1) I stopped missing some of the “bad” foods I used to crave. 2) I had to give away many outfits I had hoped to get into again. The weight fell off so fast, I never had a chance to wear them again. Among them - the fabulous red sequin evening dress I wore to galas, and the beautiful teal blue linen dress with the slits up both legs that got attention whenever I walked into a room. I had to say goodbye to them both. Both hung on me. Something else happened too: I stopped envying thin women. Instead, I now look at those overweight women I wish I could help. I just wish knew how to approach them and what to say.

How did I do it? Step by step, that is the point of my LEGACIES Workshop: Losing the weight and helping you overcome writer’s block, and starting your own writing project. Besides you need to have your weight loss and writing questions answered on the spot. And that’s what I do. Because there will always be questions that need immediate answers. I do believe the most frequent question is “Why do I have to …..?”

We are changing habits - physical and psychological. The LEGACIES workshop is done as a group, small or large, or if you prefer, we could do a one-on-one. It just will take longer and cost more if it is done one-on-one. If you are ready to take that step, call me at (540)602-9597 or email me sandralynnlegacies@gmail.com. Remember there is no better time than now to address the WEIGHT problem, or that procrastinated memoir. You owe it to yourself to lose the unwanted weight, and you owe it to your family to leave that written LEGACY. Remember - you cannot accomplish a goal if you keep procrastinating. If you want to do this, now it the time to get started.

One more thing - I cannot take credit for my weight loss protocol. It was my daughter’s (Dawn’s) idea. I just took her advice and trusted her to know what she was talking about. She was a professional dancer who knew about all about nutrition and knew how to take care of her body. Among her many other accomplishments, that was just one part of her phenomenal legacy - her gift to her mom.

So - Call or write me. Let’s get you started. It’s not fair that I keep all the things I know to myself.








Sandra Manigault

I am an author, speaker, educator, and workshop presenter.


A Fourth Novel?